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A body will always be a body
Naomi Richards in dialogue with five dancers in melbourne
visual arts
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film & screen culture
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+onscreen media arts
CD-ROM - The 21st century bronze?
Mike Leggett on the potential of CD-ROM technology for artists
Emergent media zones
McKenzie Wark tunes his aerials to the information superhypeway
Framegrabs from the future
Framegrabs from the Future Ross Harley windowshops at the the techno-design interface
How to get a Bite of the CD-ROM action
David Harrington on the commercial steps to the CD-ROM platform.
System Error
John Conomos retrieves artists from the Creative Nation trash can
Teledomesticity: @HOME on the net
Amanda McDonald Crowley and Brad Miller at the Doors of Perception 2: @HOME conference, the Netherlands,1994