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realtime 117

Oct-Nov 2013

Performance Space at 30
Art, wellness & death
Totally Huge New Music Festival
Australia Council's Experimental Arts
Women + Performance

Proximity festival Jo Truman The Great Gatsby Tony Woods: Archive Philip Brophy's Audiovision


Brown Council, This is Barbara Cleveland,
photo Lucy Parakhina, part of You’re History,
Performance Space 30th Birthday celebrations, see page 26.

Banners: (grey) Brown Council, This is Barbara Cleveland, photo Lucy Parakhina; (blue) disambiguation room, Efterpi Soropos, image courtesy the artist; (cat) DasSHOKU SHAKE!, photo Vikk Shayen; (dancers) Quantum Leap ensemble, Hit the floor together, QL2 Dance, photo Lorna Sim

Realtime 76 Cover