Art, empathy & action
Perth International Arts Festival
Adelaide Festival
Festival of Live Art, Arts House
Sydney Gay & Lesbian Mardi Gras
World Theatre Festival
Bryony Kimmings Lee Breuer Deborah Hay Juliana Engberg Aurora Festival of Living Music
Cover: Taylor Houchen, Bryony Kimmings, Credible Likeable Superstar Role Model, photo Christa Holka & David Curtis Ring, part of Festival of Live Art (FOLA), see article.
Banners: 1) Taylor Houchen, Bryony Kimmings, Credible Likeable Superstar Role Model, photo Christa Holka & David Curtis Ring; 2) All That Fall, Pan Pan Theatre, courtesy World Theatre Festival; 3) L’Chaim, Interplay, Sydney Dance Company, photo Wendell Teodoro; 4) Joey Baron (drums), Marc Ribot (guitar), John Zorn (saxophone), Cyro Baptista (percussion), Ikue Mori (electronics), Zorn In Oz, Masada Marathon, photo Tony Lewis